
11 December 2013 | Last updated two minutes ago

17 dic 2013

We must look after the world - it is our home

The Earth, our planet, has got a real problem: ourselves. Scientists say that people are destroying the planet, but almost all the humans does not do anything. 

Scientists argue that the planet is getting worse and worse... There are a lot of pollution because the traffic, the industries and many more. They say that the world is our home and we must look after to it. 

On the other side of the argument, almost all the people know it. Everyone do know that it is very important to take care of our planet because we are destroying it. However, there are not a lot of people who tries to make a better world. 

Overall, there is no justification for mistreat our planet, even the universe. People must be concious about this real problem. However, I know it is difficult to think environmentally, but all of we have to try it! 

The Earth

The last CD I bought

"The Kooks" are a British band formed in Brighton in 2004. They became famous in the indie rock world, alternative rock and indie pop. I really love this type of music, that is why I bought their last CD, "Junk of the Heart". 

The third album by this British band is perfect. The music is very good, it is very catchy and you can relax as well as dance. You can listen to the twelve songs whenever you want. 

Althought I like it very much, this album has had a lot of critical reception. Some people believe that the band have not done anything new. Furthermore, the songs seem to be very similar and it can be repetitive. 

Overall, I would recommend that you buy the CD "Junk of the Heart" because there are some of the best tracks I have ever listened to, such as "Is it me" or "Mr. Mice Guy". And I'm sure they will not seem repetitive in the next album!

The CD of The Kooks

It's time to relax; read below to know how

Today’s world is very stressful. Everyone live in a non-stop daily routine, connected to work all the hours of the day, not knowing how to relax at any time. What most of the people do not know is that if we never take our time, if we do not relax and chill out for a moment, we will not be able to work properly; it is impossible to do our job correctly if we do not permit our brain to relax a little bit. So it is very important to include the word “relax” in our ever-growing to-do-list!

Stress can have a big impact in our lives and it can have effects such as being unable to sleep, having really tight and sore shoulders. Stress also can have health risks like heart disease, strokes and high blood pressure. But as we can have all these problems, we can have the solutions too, that is why we can reduce the impact of stress just doing some things.

First of all, we can meditate. Meditation is the most important point of any stress management program. It helps to calm the mind and to relax the body. It is a good star for relaxing ourselves and it really can help us to improve sleep, concentration and well-being. We only have to practice it few minutes per day and it can help us so much to ease anxiety. To do it, we only have to sit up straight with both feet on the floor, close our eyes and focus our attention on reciting a positive mantra such as “I love myself”.

A second tool that relieves stress quickly is doing exercise. It is a healthy and easy way to relax, and there are a lot of types of sports to do. The most relaxing sports are yoga, tai chi or walking, but you also can play football, basketball, tennis, … Furthermore, you can meet new people and get fit at the same time. Even more, you only need ten or twenty minutes to feel clear, relaxed and calm. It does not matter which sport do you try to do exercise because all of them help you to gain clarity in your thoughts, which were stressing you out become less important. It also helps you to gain clarity in your thoughts because you can see what is important or what can be let go of.

Finally, another technique we can use is breathing properly. We can do it everywhere just closing our eyes and counting to three. However, if we would like to do it deeper it is also very easy. We just have to put our hand on our stomach and feel how does it move when we breathe. We have to pay attention to it, how we breathe out and allow our stomach to deflate. This is going to calm us completely.

With these three easy steps everyone knows how to de-stress. The next step is just to try it out. A lot of people think that there is no time to do it, even to try it. Have someone think why? It is just because we live in this stressing world. It is time to think about it. We must work, obviously, but we also have to relax and to have fun. We must considerate our twenty-four hours a day and distribute it equitably! We will work better and be happier. Now it is the moment!

16 dic 2013

Los Angeles Lakers have lost his second match after Kobe Bryant’s return

The Lakers added the second consecutive defeat losing to the Phoenix Suns. It seems that Kobe Bryant around the pitch is not as nice as expected because Los Angeles Lakers have lost two consecutive matches after his return. It seems that they have to make Kobe integrate again because the team needs him.

The last time The Lakers lost at home against the Suns was on November 2010. The Phoenic Suns won through the work of Goran Dragic. The Slovenian scored 31 point and made 5 assists while his teammate Eric Bledsoe added 18 points and 9 assists. On the other team Kobe Bryant scored 20 points in 29 minutes and Pau Gasol made 19 points and 3 assists.

Bryant and Gasol took to lack of 6:11 with the score 84-90 and the Lakers managed to cut the disadvantage. The match score was 95-99 after two free throws by Gasol.  

Kobe Bryant made his return on Sunday night

12 dic 2013

Bankia puts Valencia FC up for sale

Bankia put Valencia FC up for sale. They have argued that the most viable alternative is seeking investors to guarantee a good sport, social and economic project.

The footbal club has a multi-million-euro debt and is unable to pay it off. The chairman, Amadeo Salvo, said that they were trying to find a way to restructure the debt and avoid the sale. He also stressed that whoever bought the Club needed to be "someone prepared to make a good team and finish building the new Mestalla stadium". 

Bankia has said that Valencia FC has so far failed to find a solution for its problem. Salvo also said that "if someone wants to sell the Club, they will need to convince the shareholders here present, because all shares in Valencia FC belong to us". 

Bankia puts Valencia  FC up for sale
Picture of the general meeting of the Valencia FC

World's most expensive helmet

A signed helmet by Sebastian Vettel beats the world record with 86,500 euros at auction. The collection is going to be for Wings for Life, a foundation that studies the disabilities caused by SCI.

It seems that the world loves Formula 1 because it is incredible that people want to pay almost 90,000 for a helmet. It is true that Sebastian Vettel is the World Champion but it is exaggerated to pay that much. However this money is going to help people with SCI disabilities especially for the foundation Wings of life. So, it is not going to be sold only for the money, but also for a good cause.

It is amazing that one sportsperson should take that money to help people manage their disabilities. This kind of person should be an example to many. 

World's most expensive helmet
Sebastian Vettel

Phelps doesn't give up

Michael Phelps said that the door to the 2016 Olympics in Rio is not closed. The retired American swimmer, eighteen times Olympic champion, is trying to get back in shape. Phelps has taken a drug test which means that he is probably planning to come back for the Rio Olympic Games. 

Although Phelps hasn't guaranteed that he is going to swim again, he has been working out with his team at the North Baltimore Aquatic Club. His coach, Bob Bowman, thinks that Phelps is starting to feel good about swimming but that "this doesn't mean that he will be able to compete". 

Despite his retirement, Phelps is still one of the most acknowledged swimmers in the world and he doesn’t need money because he has earned enough during his career. If he started competing again, it would be to do the one thing that he loves the most: swimming. 

 Phelps doesn't give up
Michael Phelps

Art and more art in Barcelona

"MNAC" presents the complete works of Joan Colom | The Mediterrenanean as you have never seen, new exhibition in "Cosmo Caixa"

Two new museum expositions are going to be able in Barcelona. The “National Art Museum of Catalonia” will expose photos by Joan Colom, and the “Cosmo Caixa” exhibition called “Our sea, as you have never seen”, will talk about the Mediterranean sea. 

In one hand, at the "MNAC" we will see from this Thuersday until May 25, 2014 "Jo faig carrer", a retrospective of the catalan photographer Joan Como where expose by first time almost all of his work. In the exhibition there will be more than 500 copies form the personal archieve of Colom loan to the museum, which contains over 9000 original ones. 

 Joan Colom entrusted all his photographic background to MNAC

In the other hand, the natural beauty, historu, culture and threats that are part of the "Mare Nostrum" are going to be exposed at "Cosmo Caixa" with an exhibition as you have never seen. This is going to be one of the major projects of the course of the "Obra Social La Caixa" in the area of science and the enviroment. The exhibition can be visited until December 2014. 

"Mediterranean. Our sea, as you have never seen"

The "Spanish Academic Dictionary" is revising entries

The new version revises many "Spanish Academic Dictionary" entries which are now androcentric and sexist | A fixed comission points to clarify the use and abuse of non-sexist forms 

The new version of the “Spanish Academic Dictionary” checks many entries that nowadays are androcentric and sexist. Society evolves and that is why modifications are needed in some terms to be more equal between men and women. 

There are two different views in the debate about sexist lenguage or sexism in lenguage. First, the director of the lexicographical work Pedro Alvarez has defended the constantly updating of the definitions, while linguists as Esther Forgas has denounced what it should have been changed years ago. 

Nevertheless, consulting some online dictionary entries ( you can discover the progress of the new edition. There are some revisions of the conflicting slogans but some people believe that the RAE itself has made minor changes such as punctuation and etymology, but that hasn't touched the considered sexist ones. 

 "RAE is revising entries"

Bayona will design the sequel to the film "World War Z"

The Studio Paramount Pictures and Skydance producer have charged Juan Antonio Bayona the sequel "Wold War Z" 

Juan Antonio Bayona is commissioned to design the sequel to the film “World War Z”. Bayona, responsible for productions like “The Impossible”, will have to come up with the plot of the second part of the film in which an apocalyptic civilization faced its death because of a violent plague of zombies. 

It was thought that "World War Z" could fail because its budget shoot to $ 220 million, plus 125 million in investment promotion and distribution. However, the film grossed $ 540 million worldwide and went from being a problem to invite the studio to exploit the story a bit more. 

As the original plot of the initial film ended with a battle between men and zombies and the people didn't liked it, the plot planned at first to the second part is discarded.

"The director of "The Impossible" will have to devise the second part of the film in which apocalyptic civilization to a violent plague of zombies faced"

Pope Francisco will appear on the Time magazine cover

Pope Francisco has been chosen person of the year by the Time magazine. The Pope will appear on the front cover of the annual supplement of the mythical magazine, which showed the president Obama as man of the year in 2012.
The magazine thinks that the new Pope has achieved to transmit hope to catholic and not catholic people. Something that no other Pope has done before. 

It's not the first time that a Pope is chosen by the Time magazine as 'Person of the year'; others like Pope John XXIII or Pope John Paul II have obtained this acknowledgement too. 

Pope Francisco in the Time magazine cover of 2013

"The nationalists phenomena are a sociological change"

The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Emma Bonino, thinks that the increasing of nationalisms in Europe is due to a deep discomfort of the citizens. Bonino admitted that the case of Catalonia is different, because they don’t claim more autonomy of Brussels, as the majority does, but of Madrid. 

Bonino met with a group of foreign correspondents in Rome. Asked about the cases of Scotland, Catalonia and Padania, Bonino has emphasized that they are very different issues. Despite of it, Bonino hasn’t been able to answer if a supposed Catalan State could remain in the European Union. The Italian Minister has described all these nationalists’ phenomena as a “really important sociological change”.

Bonino has admitted that there are two ways to solve this problem: going back to the nationalism, or achieving a further political integration in Europe. 

The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Emma Bonino, with John Kerry in Brussels

NSA identifies targets with Google Cookies

The National Security Agency (NSA) uses the Google’s cookies to identify the targets to spy on them. With this technique the agency has been able to follow suspicious people, and even locate them through the Internet connection of their phones.
This information was given by The Washington Post. With these documents the agency is able to track hackers and watch over them. Through cookies it is able to know what the users like and the defenders of the Internet privacy have warned about the use of this tool. Despite of it, the industry says that it is a benefit for the people because it only shows advertisement according to their interests. 

However, Google warned previously that never allowed legal access to the NSA or any other intelligence agency to their servers, therefore, this is another illicit operation by the U.S. intelligence agency.

The NSA headquarters

Formula 1 disagrees with the 2014 rules

Formula 1 is revealed against the new rules for 2014. FIA decisions have outraged drivers and teams.

The quadruple world champion Sebastian Vettel is against this rules and has said that it makes no sense and punishes those who worked hard all year. He appreciates the ancient traditions in Formula 1 and he doesn’t understand this new rule.

Pirelli and the FIA wanted to make a rule that obligates all the drivers to make at least two stops in every race. Teams said that this is not going to happen because the number of stops is part of their strategies and if all the drivers do the same there aren’t going to be real races.

The proposal to add ten kilograms vehicles to increase their weight was also contested by teams.

Formula 1 disagrees with the 2014 rules
Formula 1

FC Barcelona wants a new stadium

FC Barcelona is going to ask their partners if they want to make a new stadium, remodel the one they have or leave it as it is now. Changes are going to take place in Barcelona this year.

Faus has detailed that the work would last for three years including summer and winter. In this sense, and in the case of choosing the option of remodeling the Camp Nou, FC Barcelona Vice President has insisted that the work would be focused on the external side of the field to only work inside during the summer.

Remodeling would cost 300 million Euros and the new stadium 600 million. As the authorities of FC Barcelona said, partners are not going to pay anything for remodeling or build a new field.

FC Barcelona
Stadium of the FC Barcelona